Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Post from a bench on my campus

So here I am, blogging away because once again I was wrong about what time I needed to be somewhere. I am sitting here with my iPod before I have a meeting to change my Spanish class. I am excited to get in a routine and not be so confused soon. However, campus is beautiful and it's a pretty day :)


  1. Well, your blog is wonderful to read! It will truly be a treasure for you to look back upon someday.

    I am so glad you are taking the right approach to all the confusion! This adventure goes way beyond an academic experience - definitely chance of a lifetime!

    As an aside - I've been looking at your blog every day and wondering why you never added anything. Turns out, you can't just leave as a header - have to open new to see any changes. Who knew?!

    Lots of love!


    As always, I just love your writing!

    1. another challenge - getting the "not a robot" two words spelled correctly - takes me at least 3 times before I get it correct!
