Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Favorite Place

This was not an easy decision. It occurred to me this past week, when I was studying for a midterm, what my favorite place so far in Barcelona is. To no one's surprise, it is a park: Ciutadella.
      Ciutadella is about a 5 minute walk from where I live. It is a very popular here, being near the Arc de Triomf, but what I love is that it is not completely a tourist trap. When I go there, I see dozens of locals; there are a lot of parents with little kids and plenty of couples sitting on benches together. The entire park itself is beautiful. It has all the things I love: trees, greenery, water, grass, and a place I can go to be alone. When I go running (the few times that I have not been lazy while being here), I go to Ciutadella. This weekend I escaped to a bench there to study. It was one of the first times I have felt like an actual student since being here, sitting with my notebooks and highlighters and backpack. There were kids laughing, birds singing, and the sun was shining through the palm trees as I studied up on some Spanish Art and Cultural Heritage.
    Being here in Barcelona, being so busy and preoccupied with making the most of this experience that is going to "change my life," can sometimes be distracting. Distracting and overwhelming. I think sometimes I focus too much on making the most of every moment. In fact, going to a park to study by myself was one of the most relaxing few hours I have yet to enjoy in Spain. It was quiet; no one spoke to me. I was just a girl on a bench with a notebook. I am realizing that the girl on the bench with a notebook is someone I always come back to, no matter what country I am in.

And here, for your viewing pleasure, you have a picture of the exact bench I sat on! The one next to the lamp post.

The view I had while studying.

These boats look so fun. 

The fountain with three dragons! 

Walking towards the Arc! The most epic street here.

The glorious Arc de Triomf! It was not, in fact, built for anything triumphant. It was built for the same reason the Eiffel Tower was: for an exhibition to show off. 

1 comment:

  1. My heart is filled with joy!

    Of all the places you have seen and walked upon, it is absolutely wonderful that you found a place for peace in a foreign land.

    And, for me, it is even more thrilling that the spot includes greenery!

    My work is done.

    It is good that something so simple can bring pleasure.

    Although, I will have to say, the surroundings are pretty darn neat!

    Love that you posted a picture of your bench. It is good to know where you have been!

    Lots of love,

